MILOfest 2010 Wrap-Up

MILOfest 2010

There’s not much more that can be said other than Victor Medina just did an incredible job of putting together an amazing, engaging, and thoroughly enjoyable conference for “Mac-lovin’ lawyers” at MILOfest 2010. Everyone I talked to was committed to coming back, even with the rumors flying around that it might be in a different location.

I think it’s safe to assume by this point that MILOfest has become an annual event, as long as the stalwart Victor doesn’t mind carrying the torch (I honestly don’t know who else could lead the charge as well). To hear details about next year’s conference (when Victor releases them), join the MILO (Macs in Law Offices) Google Group.

Here is some other coverage of MILOfest 2010 from around the interwebs: